Some of the jobs are not posted on recruiting websites. Many are posted internally or even on personal Facebook page.
- What is the thing that you want to do
- What is energy conserving for you
- Networking as you want to go to some field and use the skills that you have been using, and expand.
Sills Inventory
Research Employers of Interest
What is valued by employees/employers?
Make a list of connection you have and you want to establish
LinkedIn profile
- Use the language of employers
- Pay attention to Professional Audience
Informational Interviews
- Do not ask for jobs from interviews.
- Learn about yourself.
Take a break
Write an email
Explain why.
- Why would we connect on LinkedIn?
- 40% of US workforces: self-employed by 2020., PwC Work-life 3.0 2016
- 50% of people working for Google’s parents company are contractors
- Jobs are not disappearing. They are moving to contractors or something else.
- Agile workforce
- contingent worker
- independent contractor
- Consultant
- virtual or remote worker
- freelance worker
Randstand workforce 2025
- Identify specialist firms
- BCG has phd md jd recruitment programs
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Randstad
- Adecco, etc
- Create and maintain robust profile on social media, especially LinkedIn.
- Ask people with years of experience about hiring patterns
- Career fairs
- Career values, short term and long term goals, level of risk tolerance
- Make 5 year plan
Use the Internet
- Establish LinkedIn and protect reputations online.
- 92% of recruiters use LinkedIn.
- Purpose of LinkedIn and construct it. It’s not a complete list of experiences, but a path to the future.
- Think about visual appeal: Pictures, websites, videos, podcasts, professional photo, background picture.
- Write articles on LinkedIn.
- Position self as subject matter expert.
- Thank them if they accept your request.
- Use LinkedIn groups.
- Use alumni network of the university.
- Basic info
- Professional Summary
- Qualifications: key words
- Experience
- Education: Move education to bottom
HRs Are Looking for
- Relevant work experience
- Specific accomplishment
- Customizing resume
- Start with a summary: a few lines
- Confident:
- focus on accomplishments
- What impact did I make
- What I can do
- Use less I, we, etc
- Actions+Skill = Result
- Start with action, used some skills, achieved something: Serves as some, did something; Collaborated with high-performing team
- Keywords: using keywords from the JD.
- a website that scans keywords
- or any other word cloud generator
- 1-2 Pages
- 11-12 pt. font
- Use modern clean fonts, Arial, Helvetica
- Most recent jobs/accomplishments first
- No more than 5-6 bullet points per section
- Use color wisely
- Send as PDF
- Street address? Maybe not. Useless,and people are bias about address.
- Explain gap or something if necessary
- Teaching is a job, researching is a job
- Write a cover letter! It can be short
- Not necessary to tell all the details about the past job
- Deal with gaps: explain nicely
Do Not Do this
Some pitfalls
- Do NOT use unprofessional email address: using personal email address
- Do NOT links to websites that are inappropriate
- Proof reading so that no misspellings
- Do not use irrelevant content
- Do not use lengthy paragraphs and sentences: Concise