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/*This program calculates the energy, heat capacity, magnetization, magnetic permitivity.*/ /*Boundary condition: periodic boundary condition.*/ /*In this program, J&k are put into T. To fill it to the expressions, just consider the dimensions.*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #define L 32 #define NGL 100000 /*Samples Neglected*/ #define N_t 5100000 /*Total samples*/ #define N (N_t-NGL) #define T_i 0.5 #define T_f 10.5 #define Tstep 0.05 #define SIZE_T 500 /*The size of emcx in T axis. Check this before compiling!*/ #define SIZE_R 60 /*The size of emcx in R axis. Check this before compiling!*/ #define R_i -6 /*Ration of J2/J1. Initial value.*/ #define R_step 0.1 /*step*/ #define R_f 0 /*End of R*/ int sum_M; int s[L][L]; /*Size of the lattice*/ double sum_E; double T; struct Obsv { double C; double X; double M; double E; }; void Inist(); void Mag(); void Energy(double R); void MCP(double R); struct Obsv Cac_obsv(double R); int main() { int i,j; double R; struct Obsv emcx[SIZE_T][SIZE_R]; FILE *ft,*fm,*fx,*fc,*fe,*fr; fr=fopen("R.txt","w"); ft=fopen("T.txt","w"); fx=fopen("X.txt","w"); fc=fopen("C.txt","w"); fm=fopen("M.txt","w"); fe=fopen("E.txt","w"); R=R_i; srand(time(NULL)); for(j=0;R<=R_f;j++) { T=T_i; for(i=0;T<=T_f;i++) { Inist(); emcx[i][j]=Cac_obsv(R); fprintf(fr,"%f\n",R); fprintf(ft,"%f\n",T); fprintf(fx,"%f\n",emcx[i][j].X); fprintf(fc,"%f\n",emcx[i][j].C); fprintf(fm,"%f\n",emcx[i][j].M); fprintf(fe,"%f\n",emcx[i][j].E); printf("-------------\n"); printf("R=%f\n",R); printf("T=%f\n",T); printf("X=%f\n",emcx[i][j].X); printf("C=%f\n",emcx[i][j].C); printf("M=%f\n",emcx[i][j].M); printf("E=%f\n",emcx[i][j].E); T = T+Tstep; } R+=R_step; } fclose(ft); fclose(fx); fclose(fc); fclose(fm); fclose(fe); printf("The End!\n"); } void Inist() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<L;i++) { for(j=0;j<L;j++) { s[i][j]=1; } } } void MCP(double R) { int i,j; double sum,dE; i=rand()%L; j=rand()%L; sum=s[i][j]*(s[(L+i-1)%L][j]+s[(i+1)%L][j]+s[i][(j-1+L)%L]+s[i][ (j+1)%L]+R*(s[(i+1)%L][(j-1+L)%L]+s[(i-1+L)%L][(j+1)%L])); //printf("chk2.sum=%d\n",sum); //switch(sum) //{ // case 4: dE= 8; break; // case 2: dE= 4; break; // case 0: dE= 0; break; // case -2: dE= -4; break; // case -4: dE= -8; break; // default: printf("sum=%d. Attention!\n",sum); break; //} dE=2*sum; if( dE>0 ) { if(((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)<=exp((-1.0)*dE/T)) { s[i][j]=-s[i][j]; sum_M+=2*s[i][j]; sum_E+=dE; } } else { s[i][j]=-s[i][j]; sum_M+=2*s[i][j]; sum_E+=dE; } } struct Obsv Cac_obsv(double R) { int i; double E_avg=0.0; double E_as=0.0; double M_avg=0.0; double M_as=0.0; struct Obsv emcx; Mag(); Energy(R); for(i=0; i<N_t; i++) { MCP(R); if(i>=NGL) { E_avg+=(double)sum_E/N; E_as+=(double)sum_E*sum_E/N; M_avg+=(double)sum_M/N; M_as+=(double)sum_M*sum_M/N; } } emcx.E=E_avg; emcx.M=M_avg; emcx.C=(E_as - E_avg*E_avg)/T/T; emcx.X=(M_as - M_avg*M_avg)/T; return emcx; } void Mag() { int i,j; int dM_tmp=0; for(i=0;i<L;i++) { for(j=0;j<L;j++) dM_tmp+=s[i][j]; } sum_M=dM_tmp; } void Energy(double R) { double dE_tmp=0.0; int i,j; for(i=0;i<L;i++) { for(j=0;j<L;j++) { dE_tmp+=0.5*(s[i][j]*(s[(i-1+L)%L][j]+s[(i+1)%L][j]+s[i][(j-1+L)%L]+s[i][(j+1)%L])+R*s[i][j]*(s[(i+1)%L][(j-1+L)%L]+s[(i-1+L)%L][(j+1)%L])); // printf("chk1.dE_tmp=%f\n",dE_tmp); } } sum_E=dE_tmp; }