Valentina and Jebediah initiated the KCLRP, which is short for Kerbal Colonization Long Range Plan.

The goal is to build base on every planet and moon in the whole Kerbol system.

The idea came to Valentina when she landed at the south pole some years ago.

Valentina Thinking about The Future

Valentina Thinking about The Future

Project Nomand

Project Nomand is the first project in aim of building a functional self-sustained extra-Kerbin base.

Duna Base

Instead of being steady and cautious, Jebediah proposed to build the first Nomand base on Duna, and they did.

Project Nomand Base Launch to Duna

Project Nomand Base Launch to Duna

Project Nomand Base on Duna

Project Nomand Base on Duna

The base ships with a tiny rover, just in case someone wants to race against the Kerbol.

Project Nomand Base on Duna Has Got a Rover.

Project Nomand Base on Duna Has Got a Rover.

This Duna base also has a mining facility. But remember, this is not for profit. Kerbals never talk about profit.

Mining Facility of Project Nomand Base

Mining Facility of Project Nomand Base

Lythe Base

The very next attempt was to build such a base on Lythe.

Bill Kerman was sent to Lythe first for a research of the landing sites for the base. However, Bill Kerman crashed his ship and couldn’t come back. (Photos of Bill Kerman are missing here.)

What was unfortunate is that the first launch of Project Nomand to Lythe, i.e. the science and habitat modules of the base was too far away from the expected site. The wheels were not strong enough to support such a long trip.

Launching Project Nomand Base to Lythe Using Nuclear Impulse Rocket - ProjeKt Orion.

Launching Project Nomand Base to Lythe Using Nuclear Impulse Rocket - ProjeKt Orion.

Habitat Module and Mining Module of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Habitat Module and Mining Module of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Supply Run of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Supply Run of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Rover and Plane Supply of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Rover and Plane Supply of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Rover and Plane Supply of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Rover and Plane Supply of Project Nomand Base on Lythe

Rover Coming to Lythe

Rover Coming to Lythe

Rover Coming to Lythe

Rover Coming to Lythe

Rover Landed on Lythe

Rover Landed on Lythe

Minmus Base

After the not-so-successful try of Lythe base, they realized that a minmus base, at least a fuel base, was necessary.

Base is Landing on Minmus Where They Used the Same Rocket Which Brings Base to Duna.

Base is Landing on Minmus Where They Used the Same Rocket Which Brings Base to Duna.

A Kerbal Was Sent to Help Building the Base

A Kerbal Was Sent to Help Building the Base

Greenhouse of Project Nomand on Minmus

Greenhouse of Project Nomand on Minmus

Project Zero

Project Zero was created by the famous Collins family.

Project Zero in Day Light

Project Zero in Day Light

Project Zero in Dark

Project Zero in Dark

Project Zero at Night

Project Zero at Night

Project Asteroid City

Project Asteroid City was the first project that sucessfully brings back a asteroid and circularizes it around Kerbin.

Jebediah, Bill, Bob, Valentina and Lizzy all took part in this fly but only Lizzy was willing to stay on the asteroid. Lizzy built a station uppon this small rock and also tested the first asteroid miner.

The project was not so smooth even with both Jeb and Val on the ship. It took them more than one year to bring back the rock.

As the asteroid started to steadily orbit around Kerbin, Lizzy requested the Launch of Asteroid City Ship, which then became one together with the asteroid itself.

The first module built had only a nice habitat capsule and two large storage cans. This ship is completely automatically running on itself since the most advanced station AI has been implemented.

Lizzy Likes to Sit in Her Chair on the Asteroid - Project Asteroid City

Lizzy Likes to Sit in Her Chair on the Asteroid - Project Asteroid City

Then a science module and more storage were launched.

Science Module of Project Asteroid City

Science Module of Project Asteroid City

A mining ship was designed to test the technologies involved in asteroid mining. The data showed the design was quite amazing.

First Mining Facility of Asteroid

First Mining Facility of Asteroid

The mining ship has four drills.

First Mining Facility of Asteroid - Four Drills

First Mining Facility of Asteroid - Four Drills

Lizzy loves the view, even with the mining machine running around.

Lizzy and Asteroid City

Lizzy and Asteroid City

Lizzy and Asteroid City

Lizzy and Asteroid City